Lawn Care & Pest Control Services in Salt Lake City, UT | Green Grounds Lawn & Pest
Green Grounds Lawn & Pest truck in front of customer's lawn in Salt Lake City, UT.

Salt Lake City, UTLawn Care & Pest Control Services

Is My Area Serviced? Call (801) 900-3808

Professional Lawn Care & Pest Control Services for Homes, Businesses & HOAs in Salt Lake City, UT

Our services include fertilization, weed control, perimeter pest control, mosquito control, and more.

Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah and has a population that exceeds 200,400. This city is known for its natural beauty, with stunning mountain views that you can hike to. The Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area is a popular spot with trails and a botanical garden. You can also admire various animals at Utah's Hogle Zoo, look at exhibits at the Natural History Museum of Utah, and spend a beautiful day outside at Liberty Park.

At Green Grounds Lawn & Pest, we proudly offer professional lawn care and pest control services to homes, businesses, and HOAs in Salt Lake City, UT. Our team can help support your lawn's health with fertilization, weed control, and aeration, plus combat pests with perimeter pest control, mosquito control, and more.

Our Lawn Care Services Include Fertilization, Weed Control, Aeration, Grub Control & More

Worker in Salt Lake City, UT, applying a lawn treatment.

If you want to improve the health and appearance of your lawn, you've come to the right place! We offer all the lawn care services you need to achieve this, which are as follows:

  • Lawn Fertilization: We offer a lawn fertilization program that runs from mid-March until mid-November and includes multiple treatments to provide your grass with a consistent supply of nutrients.
  • Weed Control: We use pre-emergent weed control treatments to prevent weeds from sprouting through the soil. Meanwhile, our post-emergent treatments will eliminate existing weeds on your turf.
  • Aeration: We perform liquid aeration in the spring and fall to loosen compacted soil and make it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass.
  • Necrotic Ring Treatment: Necrotic ring spot is a common lawn disease in Salt Lake City, UT. Fortunately, we offer preventative and curative treatments to prevent an infection and eliminate an existing one.
  • Grub Control: We offer preventative grub control treatments to keep these root-feeding pests from damaging your lawn and curative applications to combat an existing infestation.
  • Sod Webworm Control: We can protect your turf from sod webworms with our highly effective treatments.
Some common weeds in Salt Lake City, UT, that our weed control treatments are effective against include spurge, crabgrass, and dandelions.

What pest control services do we offer in Salt Lake City, UT?

Worker using a fogger to apply a pest control treatment in Salt Lake City, UT.

No one wants to deal with pests, whether inside or outside your home or business. Fortunately, we offer pest control services to help ensure creepy crawlers stay off your property in Salt Lake City, UT.

  • Perimeter Pest Control: We'll apply our perimeter pest control treatments five feet up the exterior wall of your building and five feet out, plus around eaves and windows, to create a barrier that keeps pests from getting inside.
  • Indoor Pest Control: We offer highly effective treatments that can eliminate any pests currently invading your inside space.
  • Mosquito Control: We'll administer our mosquito control treatments via fogger every four weeks from May until September to drastically reduce the mosquito population on your property.
  • Vole Control: Our team will apply 2-3 treatments in late fall/early winter to prevent voles from harming your lawn.
  • Mole Control: We can put out bait boxes and spread granular treatments on your lawn to handle a mole infestation.

Call us today to sign up for our lawn care and pest control services!

At Green Grounds Lawn & Pest, we offer our top-notch lawn care and pest control services to residential and commercial properties and HOAs in Salt Lake City, UT. From fertilizing your lawn and improving its access to resources to applying perimeter pest control and mosquito control treatments - we're your go-to for this and more. Call us today at (801) 900-3808 to sign up for our services!

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10 Years Serving the Community
Licensed UT Pesticide Applicator
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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Monthly Technician Training Internally