Hey guys, Taylor here with GreenGrounds. So today I want to talk about hot spots. So if you’re going out of town and you’re going to be out of town for longer than a few weeks, it’s a wise idea to make sure that you talk to a neighbor, let them know you’re gone, and they can let you know if you have any dry spots. Sometimes we’ve seen power go out, shut off the sprinkler timer, and then the sprinklers aren’t coming on. With the heat that we’re having, that’ll really fry up your lawn pretty quickly. So one thing that we do for our clients is we have our property checks. We try and make it by once a month to visit properties and let the client know if there’s anything that’s of issue or anything that needs to be addressed. So hope you’re doing well. If you have any questions about Eagle Mountain lawn care, give us a call.
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